putting thoughts into words
Research is my another passion
I’ve been putting my thoughts into words for scholarly activities.
some recent publications
Wong, M., Beekmans, T., Taliaoa, F., & Oades, L. (2021). Effectiveness of the Breaking Ground Programme in Transforming Parenting Skills and Practice. Unitec ePress Research Report Series (1). Retrieved from http://www. unitec.ac.nz/epress/
Wong, M., Pomore, K., Hendrikse, N., & Grey, M. (2020). Supporting learning in a holistic way: Exploring mental health issues of social work degree students. In H. Hamerton & C. Fraswer (Eds.), 2020 ITP Research Symposium: Kotahitanga: He mahingā tahi - working in partnership to improve outcomes for learners and communities (pp. 58-66). Toi-Ohomai Institute of Technology. http://itpresearch.ac.nz/2020-itp-research-symposium-proceedings/?fbclid=IwAR3DGfwrdxRg4MYsjeOeWPiGinYzYhLe66xj3Qv_PgEcITCwf99gJe6UpmE
Wong, M. (2020). Meanings ascribed to the concept of “giftedness”: Implications for counselling with young people. New Zealand Journal of Counselling, 40(1), 31-43.
Wong, M. (2020). How giftedness is understood and practised in initial teacher education programmes in Aotearoa New Zealand. Australasian Journal of Gifted Education, 29(1), 41 - 51.
Wong, M. (2020, Autumn). Supporting multi exceptionalities of giftedness - A counselling perspective. Tall Poppies Magazine of The New Zealand Association for Gifted Children, 14-17. http://online.fliphtml5.com/tmopd/fpnp/
Wong, M. (2020). Unpacking giftedness in early childhood education: What does this mean for inclusion? In A. C. Gunn, N. Surtees, D. Gordon-Burns & K. Purdue (Eds). Te Aotūroa Tātaki Inclusive Early Childhood Education: Perspectives on inclusion, social justice, and equity from Aotearoa New Zealand (2nd ed.) (pp. 126-140). Wellington, NZ: NZCER Press.
Wong, M. & Whitburn, B. (2019). Reductive measurements of giftedness and twice-exceptionality: An analysis of education policy and associated documents from New Zealand and Australia. In T. McMenamin & A. Guerin (Eds) Belonging: Rethinking inclusive practices to support well-being and identity (pp. 75-94). Leiden, the Netherlands: Brill.
Wong, M., Hendrikse, N., Mason, H., Pomare, K., Petelo, F. & Otara Health Charitable Trust. (2018). Thriving Otara: Otara Residents Survey Report 2018. Retrieved from http://www.thrivingotara.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/OHCTrust-Report-Digital-Download.pdf
Wong, M. (2018). New interpretations of giftedness in early years: Looking through the lens of social constructionism. Unpublished doctoral thesis, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. Retrieved from https://ir.canterbury.ac.nz/handle/10092/16352
Wong, M. (2018). Challenging assumptions about giftedness in early childhood. Tall Poppies Magazine of The New Zealand Association for Gifted Children, 43(1), 26-28.
Wong, M. (2017). Social constructionism - A lens to shape social work research. In H. Crawford (Ed.), Effective social work education in Aotearoa New Zealand (pp. 71-84). Auckland, New Zealand: Manukau Institute of Technology. https://indd.adobe.com/view/19c8e70f-9fc8-4623-bc97-7aba47f11414
Wong, M. (Ed) (2017). Rethinking Research with Practice – Multiple perspectives for early years education. Auckland, New Zealand: Manukau Institute of Technology. https://indd.adobe.com/view/fb942b3f-df5c-4e42-8bef-db93d99f0e5d
Wong, M. & Morton, M. (2017). Parents’ lived experiences of teachers’ construction of giftedness: Is meritocracy part of the problem? In V. Plows & B. Whitburn (Eds.), Inclusive education: Making sense of everyday practice (pp. 213–233). Rotterdam, the Netherlands: Sense.
Wong, M. & Lino, A. (2016). Suicide in New Zealand: What does it mean for gifted youth? Tall Poppies Magazine of The New Zealand Association for Gifted Children. 41(2), 12-13.
Wong, M. (2016). Myths of giftedness and their origin. Tall Poppies Magazine of The New Zealand Association for Gifted Children.41(1), 13-15.
Wong, M. (2015). Social construction of giftedness. APEX The New Zealand Journal of Gifted Education, 19(1). Retrieved from http://www.giftedchildren.org.nz/apex/v19no1.php
Wong, M. & Margrain, V. (2015). The myth busters: Fearless, inclusive teaching for young gifted children. In V. Margrain, C. Murphy, & J. Dean (Eds). Giftedness in the early years: Informing, learning and teaching (pp. 105-127). Wellington, N.Z.: NZCER Press.
I share my thoughts at conferences presentation too
Wong, M., Naera, L., Tailaoa, T., & Sanga, D. (2021). Do we really matter? The mental health impacts of COVID-19 pandemic: voices from Pasifika students in a tertiary setting. Paper presented at New Zealand Association for Research in Education.
Wong, M. (2021). Social constructions of giftedness influence the inner experience of gifted individuals - what does this mean for counselling practice? Paper presented at SENG (Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted) Pre-conference.
Wong, M. (2021). #Supporting the gifted beyond education - exploring the mental and emotional wellbeing of gifted individuals from a counselling perspective. Paper presented at European Council for High Ability Conference.
Wong, M. (2021). Every student matters - it is time for institutions to identify and respond to students’ mental health needs. Paper presented at the International Conference on Rigor, Relevance & Resilience in Business & Management Research.
Wong, M., Fuatino, P., Beekmans, T., & Odes, L. (2020). Supporting families through the Breaking Ground Project. Paper presented at the Unitec Research Symposium 2020, Unitec.
Wong, M., Pomore, K., Hendrikse, N., & Grey, M. (2020). Supporting learning in a holistic way: Exploring mental health issues of social work degree students. Paper presented at the Institutes, Technology and Polytechnics Symposium.
Wong, M. (2020). Supporting gifted children and youth in a holistic way: Taking mental and emotional well-being into account. Paper presented at The New Zealand Association for Gifted Children.
Wong, M. (2019). Supporting learning in a holistic way: Addressing mental health and emotional needs of tertiary students. Paper presented at The New Zealand Association Research for Education, University of Canterbury.
Wong, M. (2019). Supporting gifted children: Taking mental and emotional needs into account. Paper presented at The Inclusive Education Summit 2019, University of Auckland.
Wong, M. (2018). Constructing giftedness: Responding to gifted children's learning needs through ethics of care. Paper presented at The New Zealand Association Research for Education, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland.
Wong, M. (2018). Learning for gifted children is affected by ability which is seen as fixed. Paper presented at The Inclusive Education Summit, Deakin University, Geelong.
Wong, M. (2017). Ethics of care in constructing of giftedness. Paper presented at The 22nd World Council for Gifted and Talented Children Biennial World Conference, University of New South Wales, Sydney.
Wong, M. (2017). Haunting presence of gifted education policy and documents in Aotearoa New Zealand. Paper presented at OMEP Asia Pacific Regional Conference 2017, Baptist University, Hong Kong.
Wong, M. (2016). Is being gifted a curse? Stories from parents of gifted and twice-exceptional children about belonging in the education community. Paper presented at The Inclusive Education Summit, University of Canterbury, Christchurch.
Wong, M. (2015). Awareness of parents of gifted and twice-exceptional children. Paper presented at New Zealand Association for Gifted Children 2015, The University of Waikato, Hamilton.
Wong, M. (2015). Parents’ lived experiences of teachers’ perspectives of giftedness – is meritocracy part of the problem? Paper presented at The Inclusive Education Summit 2015, Victoria University, Melbourne.